“Conscious processing is limited to 120 bits of information. You use 60 bits listening and all 120 in conversation with another person maxing out your bandwidth. Unconscious processing can handle billions of bits of information all at once; we don’t need to search outside ourselves to find a credible source for miraculous insight. We have terabytes of information available to us; we just can’t tap into it in our normal state. We get access to increased data, heightened perception and amplified connection. It’s BIG Data for our Minds.” – Stealing Fire
Do your products and services simultaneously serve clients, engage employees AND solve world problems?
Business for World Good addresses the most pressing concerns of society.
The time has come for your companies culture and brand to reflect purpose.
Let’s shift you into a new business model of Conscious Capitalism.
Let’s Activate your Flow State and Genius Zone for World Good.
Where top leaders go so you don’t plateau…
It’s possible that you’re seeking what’s next, that elusive state of full awareness, and you’ve heard it called stealing fire, being in the zone of genius, or reaching an elevated state of consciousness. Simply put this is the connection with YOUR internal FLOW and that’s where your highest genius comes from. It’s not about stealing anything… it’s about reclaiming what’s already yours and finding access to the inner wisdom that has always been there.
You’re likely a fire-starter, game changer, innovator, change agent, way maker, conscious capitalist disruptor, and you’re ready to push past the leading edge, to embrace full brain access.
Imagine activating your flow state for full brain access in as little as 60 minutes and without mind altering substances or psychoactive drugs. It’s possible and potent. Lynne Brodie combines decades of business acumen and centuries of ancient wisdom along with neuroscience, quantum physics, and modern intellect to do just that.
An activation to unlock maximum potential of your brain moves you beyond where you thought you could go.
Getting into your flow state often creates:
- Innovation, development of lasting legacies, creation of new products or services, realization of life-altering ideas and an alignment of all elements of you.
- Momentum to move you past where you are to where you want to be even if you haven’t been able to imagine what’s next.
- A release of the binds that have been holding you back because you weren’t sure the world is truly ready for all of you.
What IF the key to everything you ever wanted is inside of you?
You can ignite your inner fire, experience enlightenment, and evolve into the greatest version of yourself. Lynne activates the alchemy of YOU so you have more impact using less energy.
The restoration of natural order creates more satisfaction in your life and business while increasing profits.
Flipping your internal switch catapults you into your natural flow of leading with people first, championing your humanitarian efforts and making the planet a priority. There’s a subtle shift from profit first to FLOW first and it heightens the impact of all areas of your life.
It’s time to unlock YOUR maximum potential and you cannot do it alone.
Lynne helps you tap into your flow and co-create strategic positioning for global acceleration to increase your triple bottom line.
Results achieved when full brain access is activated and you’re catapulted into your flow include:
- Increased earning potential (one client booked $1.4 Million in sales after getting into the flow).
- Enhanced personal impact and stage presence (this includes closing more sales from stage).
- Accelerated brain power to access to your best ideas (releasing the debris in your mind opens the channels of innovation).
When you’re ready to flip the switch, ignite your spark, and reclaim the flow of full brain access, explore what’s possible for you when you activate Individual Flow, Interconnected Flow for Teams, or Intercultural Flow.
Client Review
Lynne Taps Into Business Revenue Flow for Baeth Davis
Working with Lynne, Baeth received:
- Several overlooked revenue streams.
- The optimal timing to maximize business income opportunities.
- A clearing of personal relationship blocks that were impeding cash flow.