There is No Algorithm for the Human Spirit- Mindfulness is Your Most Progressive Technology
Mindfulness is Your Most Progressive Technology
Hi, I’m Lynne Brodie, strategic visionary, business intuitive and flow zone expert, helping you to get into your flow state, to tap into your genius, fire on all cylinders, all the time, all at once.
Wow. What does that mean? I know. It’s exciting.
What most people don’t realize is that in your conscious processing, I activate flow states of full brain access. In your conscious processing you have access to 120 bits of information. You use 60 speak and 60 to listen. So you max out your 120 bits of information in conversation with someone. But in your subconscious processing, you have access to billions of bits of information. It’s where you multiply your intelligence, all of your inner creativity, invention and innovation lies. Lots of good stuff… all your inner genius. It has all of what you always are looking for and saying that you want to access of your peak potential.
That’s my genius zone of helping people get there because they’re not quite sure how. They’ve had fleeting moments of firing on all cylinders at once, but they don’t know how to repeat it because they don’t how they got there. They just are like oh my God, I had a great meeting. Or that presentation I gave, I was so on! Which is great, but you want to be able to have the repeatable success and to be able to tap into your inner authority to be able to get you there. And that’s where I come in.
So we’ve been talking in several of the videos about conscious capitalism and employee engagement and how it’s a huge problem worldwide, only being 15%. I know, 15% worldwide. It’s almost unfathomable that 85% of the workforce is not engaged in what they do every day for living, for their job, for how they spend most of their time. Which means that they’re not being productive for your team, if you’re a leader, and for your business. Most of all, they’re not being productive because they have no inner satisfaction. They’re not in working in their purpose. They’re not really tapping into their genius zone and who they are so that they can give the most back.
If you or your team needs to get there and you’re not sure how to get there, you can always contact me. I’ll tell you at the end some ways that you can get there.
But today what we’re going to talk about in another tip in employee engagement is mindfulness, which also goes along with the flow zone because mindfulness is your most progressive technology. And I know, because I was in information technology for 28 years working for Fortune 20 and the Global 100 companies in all different aspects of technology.
And so while companies are busy putting together people analytics to solve the employee engagement problem, the real answer doesn’t lie there. The real answer lies in conscious capitalism and what we had talked about and in utilizing mindfulness as your most progressive technology. You see I know both. I know both analytics and mindfulness techniques. And I can tell you that employee engagement doesn’t lie in analytics.
Sure, people analytics that companies are busy putting together is an important factor in looking at and analyzing things like employee benefits, what employees like in all of that and in their learning and stuff. But it doesn’t give you the most important part because there is no algorithm for the human spirit. I know. Think about that. There is no algorithm for the human spirit. You either know how to tap into it or you don’t.
I know how to tap into it and I’ve worked with thousands of people around the globe on six continents, not Antarctica. I guess they freeze me out. Okay, so that wasn’t that funny. It just came to me. Once in awhile we have to show a little humor.
But if you want to work with me and tap into my ability of being a strategic visionary in your plans for the future and a business intuitive, as well as the quantum physics aspect, please feel free to contact me. I’m an ICF credential coach. I use my 28 years of business acumen to work with leaders all around the globe and teams, as well as, entrepreneurs to help you and your business move forward.
You can contact me directly by calling me at (707) 867-1157 or you can email me at Or you can look on my website for more information.
You can also look at some of my previous videos that I’ve done on my YouTube channel by looking on YouTube and looking up Lynne Brodie International. Some of them may also be listed on my blog page on my website, so you’d have access to them there as well. And there’s a lot of information to help you and your team and your company move forward.
It’s my honor and my privilege to support you. Look for it and I’ll look for you and we will engage and find a way forward and the path forward for you.
Thanks for listening, watching, and have a great day.
Lynne Brodie
World-renowned Strategic Visionary, Business Intuitive and Professional Alchemist Lynne Brodie unlocks your full brain access in as little as 60 minutes and without mind altering substances or psychoactive drugs. All services are customized to meet the needs of you and your team. They are specifically designed for disrupters, change agents, and top leaders in Fortune 500, Fortune 1000 companies and beyond. Working with Lynne is known to enhance personal impact and stage presence, activate accelerated brain power to access innovative ideas, and bring profits up (one client experienced a $1.4 million dollar increase in sales).