Discover what multi-million dollar companies know that helps multiply intelligence, dramatically increases productivity, and opens channels of innovation to grow your triple bottom line.
I founded Lynne Brodie International to shift internal culture to one of inner peace by tapping into the wisdom you were born with. This creates a ripple effect to transform you, your relationships, your teams, your mission, your company, your town, your state, your country, your continent, the World, and the Universe.
So what does that mean to you?
Let me start with the universal picture and then I’ll break it down so you better understand the power of flow and how it can improve your life, business, and the world.
World peace begins with inner peace and by blending conscious capitalism with the soul of business we are one step closer to achieving this.
My services are customized to meet the needs of you and your team and they are specifically designed for disrupters, change agents, and top leaders in Fortune 500 companies and beyond.
I specialize in getting you into the Flow Zone to multiply intelligence, creativity, innovation, invention, and income. I’ve helped leaders like you gain clarity, generate millions of dollars, and maximize productivity. In fact, getting into the Flow Zone empowers you to be your own boardroom.
I’ve helped leaders from top brands and corporations – like you – invent new products and services to generate multi-million dollar revenue streams.
Let’s get YOU in your flow. Schedule your Individual Flow Session today. Call 707-867-1157 or email
Lynne Brodie

World-renowned Business Intuitive and Professional Alchemist Lynne Brodie unlocks your full brain access in as little as 60 minutes and without mind altering substances or psychoactive drugs. All services are customized to meet the needs of you and your team. They are specifically designed for disrupters, change agents, and top leaders in Fortune 500, Fortune 1000 companies and beyond. Working with Lynne is known to enhance personal impact and stage presence, activate accelerated brain power to access innovative ideas, and bring profits up (one client experienced a $1.4 million dollar increase in sales).